Wednesday, March 16, 2011

itsme.Lulu: Preparing for MyRin Photoshoot

Hai hai...
Last week i got the chance to do makeup on my bestfriend's pretty face ;D, Lulu
Here are the post that she made on her blog...:)
How do you guys think of it?Is it pretty?:)
itsme.Lulu: Preparing for MyRin Photoshoot: "Before the photos was taken ... (The story about my activity as a model of 'MyRin' to promote their new design,which takes once in a month ..."


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Assalamu'alaikum
    Bagus banget ka, suka banget..
    Belajar make-up susah ga sih ka? saya belum pernah make-up'an. Soalnya susah bgt kalo sendiri :D (curhat)
    salam kenal ya ka.. :)


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