Wednesday, March 23, 2011

a Fashion Makeup

Assalamualaikuuuum ^^
I did makeup for a fashion student's portfolio, her name is Lita. She wants to apply for a fashion school in France. So I got the chance to do the makeup.
It's a pale makeup, gold eyeshadow, gold lip colour, very thin blush on :)
The story was, a Rainy Goddess looking for her beloved one, but she couldn't find him. She was very sad until she died. XD
So dramatic wasn't it??
The photoshoot were taken at Prasasti Museum by Photomotion Photography
Kemelly before

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

itsme.Lulu: Preparing for MyRin Photoshoot

Hai hai...
Last week i got the chance to do makeup on my bestfriend's pretty face ;D, Lulu
Here are the post that she made on her blog...:)
How do you guys think of it?Is it pretty?:)
itsme.Lulu: Preparing for MyRin Photoshoot: "Before the photos was taken ... (The story about my activity as a model of 'MyRin' to promote their new design,which takes once in a month ..."

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Hijabers Community Highlight

Assalamualaikum wr wb :)
Dunno what else to say...Here i present you...Hijabers Community Highlight video...^^
edited by mas Titoindo and Dian Pelangi :)
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